On the second of June, Karl Naja went to Valmira, Latvia for the last Training to WIN project meeting with all the partners.
It has been a very fruitful and productive project where we have accumulated a lot of valuable knowledge on BMX Athlete and Coaching development.The course we have developed has created a foundation on which countries like Malta who have low standards of BMX facilities and training, can use this knowledge to improve their local BMX scene to international standards.
A total of 10 athletes and coaches in Malta have completed this course and are now qualified.
A big thank you to all the local athletes and organizations that have participated in this project over these 3 years. Also a big thanks to all the partners of this project and we hope to cross paths again for another amazing project. CLUB BMX School – Zaragoza, Universidad San Jorge, CEIPES, UVP – Federação Portuguesa de Ciclismo, Latvijas Sporta izglītības iestāžu Direktoru padome, SZC – Slovensky Zvaz Cyklistiky