Here is a recap of what went down during our workshop at the Bugibba Skatepark. We had a great time showing everyone participating the process of building a ramp and we really appricated the enthusiasm shown by everyone. This workshop really showed that youths love these sort of engagments and become very open to learning new things when they feel they are doing something with value, as was the case when buidling this new ramp at the skatepark for everyone to enjoy.
We were really happy to finally organise some kind of event this year after such a long time due to the covid-19 situation, for the time being we have had to stall organisnig more work shops and building sessions due to us waiting on some improvements to be done at the bugibba skatepark thanks to the Regjun Tramuntana. Be sure to stay tuned as we are working on more workshops at different locations and will be realeasing more information on the next workshop once we have found it!
We would like to say a special thank you to the bugibba skatepark crew and ofcourse our supporters of the event, Dr Juice Malta, MIB Crew and Red Bull Malta. We hope that we will see each other soon and stay tuned to this channel for more info!