Scientific analysis of BMX from different perspectives, which would be reached by a multidisciplinary team involved in this project. This analysis would result in a complete training programme for coaches and riders (MOOC Course and the multiplier events). Three multiplier sport Events are planned: a Training Safe Seminar, a BMX Ecosystem Workshop and, finally, a Minority Sports Professionalization Conference.
The objectives of this Project is to
● Design a BMX integral training program for coaches and trainers, adding scientific evidence and studies.
● Promote BMX benefits for children and youth (physically, mentally and socially)
● Stimulate dual careers for BMX riders supporting their professional and educational development.
CLUB BMX School – Zaragoza ,
Universidad San Jorge,
UVP – Federação Portuguesa de Ciclismo,
Latvijas Sporta federāciju padome,
SZC – Slovensky Zvaz Cyklistiky.
MSSA – Malta Street Sport Assocation.
- last Training to WIN project meeting with all the partners
- Second Transnational meeting of the Training To Win Project
- Training To Win – BMX NEEDS SURVEY
- Training to Win Project Progress
- International BMX Conference – Training Safe. First transnational meeting for Erasmus+ project – BMX Training to Win.