Last month we were in Zaragoza, Spain for the Second Transnational meeting of the Training To Win Project – Where all partners met and worked on finalizing the modules to develope a specific BMX training course, an open educational resource that will be available to all those interested in BMX. In the comping month all partners will be working on these modules, MSSA has been tasked with creating content on Digital Marketing, Technolog, Gadgets and Entrepreneurship. We are very excited to see the course materalize and cannot wait for the launch next year.
BMX Training to WIN Project, a European project co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus + Sport Program.
Visit our website and share to help us succeed major goals of this Project:

Universidad San Jorge
UVP – Federação Portuguesa de Ciclismo
Latvijas Sporta izglītības iestāžu Direktoru padome
Malta Street Sports Association
Zaragoza Deporte
Federación Aragonesa de Ciclismo
Real Federación Española de Ciclismo
#BMX #bmxrace #bmxproject #erasmusplusproject #europeanproject #erasmus #erasmusplus #erasmussport #universidadsanjorge #InvestigaUSJ #trainingtowineuproject #ceipeseurope #clubbmxschoolzaragoza #federacionportuguesadeciclismo #fedportciclismo #mssamalta #MSSA #LSIISP #CEIPES #slovakcyclingfede #federacionespañolaciclismo #zaragozadeporte #aragonciclismo #RFEC #RFECiclismo #zaragozadeporte