This month all organisations met via online conference to discuss and update each other on the progress of the project Training to Win. We where happy to see the compiled data from the BMX battery Test which took place in Portugal earlier this year in September. This data has now been integrated in the test of the intellectual output gattered from each country via the online questionnaire in part one.
The data gathering started in June, reaching the highest point in September, when in part two, BMX riders from Spain, Portugal, Slovakia and Latvia met in Anadia, Portugal for a series of physical tests. The test analysis will be completed by the end of the year. this intellectual output is critical for development of the next part of the project ‘BMX Training Course – Open Educational Resource’
The third intellectual output result, which will be gathered and processed next year and will the key result for this BMX project, which will later then be presented to the broad society and the BMX world.
We are looking forward to our next meeting next year which will be held as a face to face meeting in Spain where we will be dicussing the next steps to start stage 3 of the project.
@training2win @rafa_entrenador_bmx @club_bmx_school_zaragoza @universidadsanjorge @ceipes @fedportciclismo @slovakcycling