Last weekend we had the pleasure to work with Redbull and turn the Mtahleb Car Park into a Skatepark to...
2021 Review

Red Bull Full Moon 1v1 Street Football at National Stadium
What a great first experience for us organizing the game of Panna 1v1 yday. A big well done to all...

Zejtun Skatepark Upgrade – Succesful first workshop with locals
An Amazing experience this week during our first workshop with the youths at the Zejtun Skatepark, thanks to the support...

Great Experience for our Maltese youths during the Urban Sports Camp in Budapest.
We would like to say a big thank you to Budapest Association for International Sports and their partners for the...

International BMX Conference – Training Safe. First transnational meeting for Erasmus+ project – BMX Training to Win.
Last Week saw the continuation of the Erasmus+ Sport project “Training to Win”, where the partners finally found a chance...

Had Dingli Street Sport Show for the European Mobilty Week.
On Sep 20th we did show of BMX, Skateboarding and Scooter in Had Dingli as part of the European Mobility...

Maltese Participation in Scooter World Championship
Last weekend saw two local Scooter Athletes compete for the first time in an international event that took place in...

Public Space filled with life and joy while promoting physical activity – our last event at Ġnien l-Għarusa tal-Mosta.
For the past year, MSSA has been working with organisations HOP and BIAS from Hungary, Sport Evolution Alliance from Portugal...

Training to Win Project Progress
This month all organisations met via online conference to discuss and update each other on the progress of the project...

6 Maltese Youths take part in Erasmus+ youth exchange with the Hungarian parkour Association.
Between the 22nd and 29th of November, 6 Maltese youths via MSSA took park in a Erasmus+ Youth exchange. A...

Street Sport Show at Selmun Family Park
On the 4th of December we organised a BMX, Skateboarding and Scooter jam at the Selmun Family Park as part...