The purpose of the european bmx training to win project is the comprehensive training of athletes and coaches in which partners from 6 countries participate. in spain, it is coordinated by the zaragoza bmx school and the san jorge university, with zaragoza municipal sports, the aragonese cycling federation, malta street sport assocation and the spanish cycling federation as collaborating partners.
As we mentioned in previous posts, there is a need for an initial study to find out the situation in which BMX athletes and trainers find themselves in Europe.
So, as an initial activity we made a diagnostic study of the BMX training needs in Europe, for which we requested your collaboration by answering a brief questionnaire.
This was all possible thanks to your partners: CLUB BMX School – Zaragoza ~ CEIPES ~ Universidad San Jorge ~ UVP – Federação Portuguesa de Ciclismo ~ SZC – Slovensky Zvaz Cyklistiky ~ Latvijas Sporta izglītības iestāžu Direktoru padome The European BMX Training to Win project, co-financed by the EuropeanUnion.
#BMX #bmxrace #bmxproject #erasmusplusproject #universidadsanjorge #trainingtowineuproject #clubbmxschoolzaragoza #federacionportuguesadeciclismo #mssamalta #MSSA #bmxmalta #LSIIDP #CEIPES #slovakcyclingfederation #federacionespañolaciclismo #zaragozadeporte #aragonciclismo #RFECDRAFT_BMX-Training-Needs-Report